I've decided to stop watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, because even if they're faux news, they're still news. I'm wanting to distance myself from those morphic fields.
Sometime in October I found myself getting sucked into the election, even though I'd managed to maintain detachment for the last year or eight (or sixteen). I really started to worry about who'd get elected. As if it were real or had any direct bearing on my life.
I sat down with my absentee ballot and carefully poured over the election pamphlet before marking my boxes - all democrat. I found myself wanting to influence my husband's choices as well, but had the presence of mind to keep my mouth shut.
The irony is, the Republican's had my ballot pulled for signature verification, so my votes never got counted. Everyone I'd marked got elected anyway, so it ultimately didn't matter.
Then a couple days ago I found myself watching reruns of The West Wing and knew I it was time to stop.
This time five years ago I became totally hooked on The West Wing. I'd successfully avoided it up until then. I grew up in the DC area and at one time lived ten blocks from the White House. Dinnertime conversations sounded a lot like West Wing dialogue, except we were staunchly Republican (my mother still is).
I would watch The West Wing four times a day, and was particularly focused on Alison Janney's character. She was whom my father wished I would be, except Republican. Alison Janney is 6' tall - and height is a big thing in my family, no pun intended. I'm only 5'9" - the shortest woman amongst my cousins, nieces and aunt. She had a prestigious job, initially press secretary and then, in the final season, Chief of Staff, definitely something to boast about. I've spent my life under the radar, a minister for an alternative Church, an intuitive reader, energy healer, something hard to explain at DC cocktail parties. She had no life except for work. I've been a single parent to two boys for the last ten years, and all of my decisions were made considering their best interest rather than my own. And she lived in DC. I've spent the last 27 years on an island in the Puget Sound, pop. 10,000.
It took a while to detach from that show, it was so real inside my head. It won't take me long to detox from the news. I'm aware of morphic fields now, and that I have the choice whether to swim in that vibration or not.
If you immerse yourself in the news, you allow that vibration into your life. You may not like what you're watching, but you're letting it influence you nonetheless. And the news isn't real, it's a dramatization of supposed facts. It's part of the design of the Dichotomy Game on this planet.
What I notice is if I pay attention to something, it starts to become real in my space, and then it influences what shows up in my reality. If I focus somewhere else, then the energy fades.
When I decided to stop drinking eight years ago, it was remarkable to notice what dropped away from my life. Alcoholics, mostly, but also the dark and chaotic energy around them as well. That energy still wafts through my awareness, but I don't engage with it any more.
In paying attention to the news, things that normally don't touch my life have started showing up. I'm self-employed and I don't own stock, so the stock market numbers aren't of any importance to me. But it's had a ripple effect in the story line and I'm noticing myself taking numbers seriously.
Even as I'm writing this, I'm aware of old beliefs coming up that are actually limitations. The idea that if a lot of people believe in something, then it's more powerful or more real. But even the concept that there are 'a lot of people' is questionable, when it's really part of the illusion, the game programming.
Another idea I have is, because I'm self-employed, my personal energy level is important. I need to keep myself balanced and focused or else I won't attract the business I want. This means I have judgment about my energy level - high is good, low is bad, I need to stay positive to attract positive things, etc.
At this point in my personal game, all I need to do is reclaim power from these limiting ideas. And recognize them as patterns in the morphic field. What initially feels like a huge, plexiglas wall, becomes a thin film, and eventually pops like a bubble.
And the moment I do, the news will be reporting something else...
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