A day in the life of an empath
Yesterday I took my eldest son to the airport to return to college. We arrived three hours before his domestic flight, so I came in and sat with him a while. I noticed some fear beneath my first chakra and wondered what that meant. I was energetically a little 'off', partly because of the early hour and partly because I was on my way to observe a Matrix Energetics practice in Lynnwood, which always puts me in another dimension.
I talked a little about Matrix to him, because of his knee (he had surgery on his ACL three years ago, and it still hurts him). Told him my cat story - doing Matrix on a 17 yr old cat about to be put down; it's now 19 and climbing trees, no longer deaf and arthritic. Felt I planted seeds in his consciousness that his knee could be different and plan to do some distance Matrix on him...
On my way out, I was aware of grief/male energy, although I wasn't certain it was him. I got to Lynnwood two hours before I needed to be there so went to Fred Meyer to shop. Called my husband about the grocery list, and learned my youngest son had left the lunch I made him and his cell phone.
Maybe both the fear and the grief was his? Maybe the fear was my eldest's - not being comfortable with airports, etc.? Just another day in the life of an empath.
I'm going to be writing about Foundations on my weekly ezine and want to sort it out here first.
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