more Mystic musings
I'm back from helping to staff at the Matrix Seminar in Seattle, which is always an amazing growth experience. This was the easiest one for me yet, in that I'm totally committed to the Matrix experience, so there was no inner resistance going on.
Also, this was the first one in Seattle that I didn't have my husband visit for an evening, meaning my focus could be totally on the Seminar. And, since May, my father has been battling cancer, so there has been external energy from that.
I made many heart-space connections with people, and had fun connecting participants. For instance, there were 600 attending, and maybe 6 or 8 from Calgary, Alberta that didn't know each other. A a couple from Anchorage that didn't know the group of 4 from Anchorage (that was a little more challenging to hook up, for some reason). Finally, there was a former Russian physicist from White Plains, NY whom I connected to a Romanian psychiatrist from NYC, and then gave their info to the Master Practitioner who holds study groups there.
And I goofed two or three times with communications: one was misinterpreting an instruction, and two were due to misunderstanding whom to talk to about something.
However I was pleased that for the most part I was able to stay clear and centered, and not overwhelmed with outside interference.
Of course now I'm home and facing the fallout for having changed so much, surprising in its intensity but not unexpected.
My horoscope for this week says that there's "huge acceleration and movement' this week with the full moon on Friday, and my horoscope for the month said that it will push people's panic button, so just stand fast and it will smooth out by the end of the month.
Not panicking has been a theme for this year, it seems.
I've been hunkering down and just getting through it, so far, but it hasn't really changed a longstanding pattern. It's time to do something different. An image I have is of swimming through a heavy current of energy. Hunkering down is really just letting the current affect you. Swimming gives you a chance of moving beyond it.
Better go put on my wetsuit!
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