Submission to the Oprah Show on Prayer and Healing
In 2003 I had a period that went on for 6 months; heavy, clotting bleeding. I became anemic. At first they thought it was cancer but then diagnosed it as a fibroid. It grew from golf ball size to softball size in 3 months. They prescribed birth control pills to control the bleeding (it didn't), which sent me on an emotional roller coaster ride. The only recommendation was a hysterectomy "you're over 40; you don't need your womb". I felt like I was being railroaded towards the operation, that the attitude was 'cut first and ask questions later. I researched and discovered alternative treatments but the radiologist nixed them. As a single parent and self-employed I couldn't afford a major operation nor did I want it. I felt like I was battling a giant wall of Western Medicine.
I went to a friend who is a Drama Therapist. I did a chair exercise between me and God and came to the conclusion: no hysterectomy. I realized the pills were making the tumor grow and I was starting to experience side effects (pulmonary embolism), so quit taking them. I also quit anything that would affect my hormonal balance – no soymilk, no milk or meat (contains hormones), etc. I began taking daily doses of iron which helped the anemia. I threw myself into alternative treatments, acupuncture, tinctures, castor oil packs, and even sent my photo to John of God in Brazil. I asked to be restored to normal periods.
The day my photo arrived in Brazil, the bleeding stopped. A few weeks later it started again, then stopped. When it began a few weeks after that, I realized my cycle was returning to normal! I’m now 49 and still have regular periods, plus an increased trust and communication with my body. I believe the ordeal was a lesson to strengthen my connection with Source. (After it was all over, I discovered Christiane Northrup’s books which had calm, sensible and wise suggestions for managing fibroids – guidance I wish I had earlier)!
Labels: alternative healing, fibroid, source
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