Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Money musings

I'm a follower of the Busting Loose approach as put forth in Robert Scheinfeld's "Busting Loose From The Money Game" (and the soon to be published "Busting Loose From The Business Game". It incorporates much of what I've already believed and taught but takes it to the next level.

There are many out there who say that working 8-5, five days a week, 50+ weeks a year, is not the way to get ahead financially. I've noticed that the lowest paying jobs are the ones that require the most effort, and the ones that bring in the most per hour require skill or talent or artfulness, but not effort.

The other thing I've noticed is that often money does not come from where I expect it to -- I used to call it 'working for God', when I worked for my former Church for a very low salary, support came out from left field, from places other than what provided my paycheck.

There are many manifestation techniques for money. Setting goals and intentions help on one level, but can get bogged down with effort. Law of Attraction has you focus only on what you want, but let go of the how you're going to get it. It's called the Art of Attraction, because it is an art to learn to let go and receive from the Universe.

Scheinfeld's unique take is that all money is an Expression of Appreciation. When you pay for something, you're expressing appreciation for it, or it's service. I appreciate my mortgage company providing my house, the restaurant providing the meal, the credit card company allowing me to purchase everything I've bought. When you receive money, it's an expression of appreciation to you. This may be appreciation for the work you've done, but if it comes from out of left field or as a surprise windfall, it's Appreciation from your Expanded Self of how capable you are, just for being You!

What I mean by that last statement is that, like the birds of the air or lilies of the field, you're taken care of by your Expanded Self. Excuse me, I just blew my self out by going to an on-line bible to find the exact quotation. It's from Matthew 6, and it says you can't serve both God and money and then goes on to talk about not to worry about food (birds do not sow nor reap) or clothing (lilies do not toil nor spin). When you read it from your inner Truth, your clear-seeing (the eye is the lamp of the body) you can strip away centuries of misinterpretation.

Anyhow, I didn't mean for this to become a sermon. I really just started it because I was dealing with some confusion and external energy. This morning I asked my Expanded Self for more than just 'cookies' (little validations of the Truth) but for solid verification.

I was hoping for a winning lotto ticket or big check in the mail.

So in conclusion (since I have a coaching session shortly and must finish this musings) - practice Appreciation, both giving, receiving and just moment to moment, and see what happens!


At 7:29 PM, Blogger ViNZ said...

I love reading Mr.Robert Scheinfeld's "Busting Loose From The Money Game". As far as his works are concerned, he recently released his new book called "Busting Loose From The Business Game."
It takes the topic of discussion into a very different place, especially as it relates to money, business and career.


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