Navigating the Rocks - My first Vlog Post!
My Vlog!
I'm a follower of the Busting Loose approach as put forth in Robert Scheinfeld's "Busting Loose From The Money Game" (and the soon to be published "Busting Loose From The Business Game". It incorporates much of what I've already believed and taught but takes it to the next level.
I had a slight window this morning where I felt Connected, and an awareness of my own Truth. I let the dogs out and was putting the gate on the stairway to the yard, when some random thought brought the aliveness of the evergreens around me into sharp focus.
In 2003 I had a period that went on for 6 months; heavy, clotting bleeding. I became anemic. At first they thought it was cancer but then diagnosed it as a fibroid. It grew from golf ball size to softball size in 3 months. They prescribed birth control pills to control the bleeding (it didn't), which sent me on an emotional roller coaster ride. The only recommendation was a hysterectomy "you're over 40; you don't need your womb". I felt like I was being railroaded towards the operation, that the attitude was 'cut first and ask questions later. I researched and discovered alternative treatments but the radiologist nixed them. As a single parent and self-employed I couldn't afford a major operation nor did I want it. I felt like I was battling a giant wall of Western Medicine.
Labels: alternative healing, fibroid, source
Just walked to town during a snow storm (wimpy by New England standards, very exciting by Seattle standards)! I'm writing this from the libary for a small break before walking home.
I've been working with Eileen Murray, who does Akashic Records readings. As I was consulting with her about the changes in my life she kept repeating the message (and I paraphrase) to surrender into the Transcendence. And it reminded me of two slogans:
Labels: acceptance., Akashic Records, Love, One Big Thirdstep, serenity, Transcendence
I'm back from helping to staff at the Matrix Seminar in Seattle, which is always an amazing growth experience. This was the easiest one for me yet, in that I'm totally committed to the Matrix experience, so there was no inner resistance going on.
Yesterday I took my eldest son to the airport to return to college. We arrived three hours before his domestic flight, so I came in and sat with him a while. I noticed some fear beneath my first chakra and wondered what that meant. I was energetically a little 'off', partly because of the early hour and partly because I was on my way to observe a Matrix Energetics practice in Lynnwood, which always puts me in another dimension.
I've decided to stop watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, because even if they're faux news, they're still news. I'm wanting to distance myself from those morphic fields.
I had an Akashic Records reading yesterday, and the archetype of the Scribe came forth. It was the energy of writing (obviously) but also the energy of bringing new information into the world that's apparently not been here before.
You have found Joan's old blog! Her new blog (that contains most of these articles plus *many* new ones) is Adventures In Density And Effort - look forward to seeing you there!
Projections ©2006 Joan M Newcomb
Matrix Transformation (c)2006 Joan M. Newcomb
A year-long Clairvoyant Readers training program that I’ve been leading is coming to completion. My intention was to teach people nearly everything I know (I say ‘nearly’ as 25 years’ worth of metaphysical work can’t really be passed on in only a year)!
My personal discovery (to answer that question) is that you move to a next level yourself.
My next level has turned out to be Matrix Energetics.
At my first introductory seminar I got the picture that I’d been viewing spirituality from a very physical viewpoint. If you consider that the physical world is made up of density, effort, time and space, an analogy would be that, as spirit, it’s like being under water. I thought that the spiritual level then was like being above water, in oxygen. I’ve realized that it’s still seeing spirit from a physical viewpoint. Under water you experience the density of H2O; you feel gravity, currents, tides, and temperature. However, the oxygen realm also has gravity, wind currents, temperatures, etc. Spirit is outside of all of that. The nearest I could come to describing it is outer space (except we still experience gravity in relation to the Sun). Deepak Chopra refers to it as the Void, the space beyond (and even that, being a distance word, doesn’t accurately describe it) subatomic particles.
We access this area not with our intellect but with our imagination.
Matrix Energetics is a series of techniques you can use to bring whatever change you can imagine into physical form. It was developed by a chiropractor/naturopath, Dr. Richard Bartlett, so his initial focus was on physical body changes, but you can take the basic information and apply it to physical reality changes as well.
My experience with this has been sometimes exhilarating and sometimes unnerving. I’ve usually talked about spiritual transformation being like remodeling a house; the intent being to make things better but living with the sheetrock dust and plastic covering the windows can be uncomfortable. This has been more like… let’s evaporate a portion of this house and replicate something different in its place. (That sentence doesn’t make sense if you use the word ‘replicate’ as to ‘copy’ or ‘duplicate’, but if you think of STNG’s ‘replicator’, you’ll get what I mean).
It’s understandable why teachers and leaders want job security, want not to go to the next level themselves. Change like this can be *very* uncomfortable. I rather like being an expert, being skilled with my techniques, smoothly navigating my way through life. This has been a very vulnerable time, at least from my personality POV. However it’s taking me to my next area of expansion, it’s giving me a new way to create my life, as Spirit it’s been incredibly exciting. I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone (yet again) but I know that soon I’ll be comfortable but in a larger, newer awareness.
Rather than make this an infomercial for Matrix Energetics (more information can be found at ), I want this to be an encouragement for each of you to go to *your* next level of transformation. Also, don’t be afraid to give away all that you know. It will open you to new possibilities, new ways of being. All you need to do is allow the notion that you create your reality and your life can be different than it is now to float out of your head and out to the Universe and all sorts of synchronicities will begin occurring. If you’re reading this, you must have already done so, and this article has been one of those synchronicities!
The Bigger Picture ©2006 Joan M. McCabe
Perfect Timing ©2006 Joan M. McCabe
Then I think about manifestations from my earlier years – my two kids were planned pregnancies that occurred without effort, with quick births, yet they had their own timing for being born.
Why do some things happen quickly and some things take forever to show up?
When I was a teenager I lost 50 pounds, simply by charting what I ate, limiting calories, and walking to school and back every day (about 5 or 6 miles). It took most of a year to do this, and was tremendously transformative and empowering.
Buoyed by this experience, I set my sights on a relationship, which took about five months to get the guy to go out with me. It was initially wonderful but then heart breaking.
As I look back over my different life experiences, some consciously manifested, some unconsciously attracted, and there has been a sense of Divine Timing in all of it.
“The Universe gives you what you can handle” is one way of looking at it. You attract what you’re ready for, is another way. I’ve resisted what the Universe has given me at times; it thinks I’m too friggin’ capable.
But now I’m reframing my experience of timing, and also of manifestation.
Someone once mentioned that reincarnation didn’t make any sense to them because everything was happening at once. I got the instant understanding that there is no time or space as Spirit, so from the Spiritual perspective all one’s past and future lives are happening ‘at the same time’ this one it. There is no linear link from past to future, it’s not like going up grades in school. And if you can grasp that in Spirit there is no individuality then there’s really no one spark of light going through a series of experiences (like grades in school). We just jump into the pool of life, splash about, and then jump out into the All-That-Is.
As I reconcile it taking me so long to get to where I am at, I realize that it really took no time at all. Each lifetime is just a blink of an eye. And what I’ve accomplished is just a glimmer of the great Spark of all of creation.
As I relax into a Spiritual perspective of creating, it really doesn’t matter how much or how little I have achieved. It’s all about Creation. It’s all about learning to manifest in the physical. I either manifest something, or I don’t. It either happens now, or later, or not. I create this, or I create something else. And I can choose to create happy thoughts, happy experiences, or challenging ones.
It becomes a much more fun way to experience life. And I can welcome all these wonderful things coming into my life and enjoy my time with them Now. Which is really the only time there is.
Internal Navigational System ©2006 Joan M. McCabe
A kind of Divine Intervention happened to instantly restore my energy to myself, and my focus to my own life. And when I did that, I felt wonderful. If I spent any time looking at the previous five months, I felt like crap.
I’d gotten off track last summer when I began crossing my own boundaries, feeling there was something wrong with me if I felt bad when someone was inconsiderate or hurtful towards me. Something critical or insulting would be said, and instead of backing off, I would try really hard to gain outside approval.
All that evaporated over New Years. Focusing on my own life, I saw where I needed to roll up my sleeves and work, and also some really great things almost instantly manifested in my life. I suddenly felt connected with the Universe and flooded with affinity for myself and my world. I was almost giddy with self esteem. Thoughts like, “I’m the most wonderful person standing in these shoes”, “I’m the most adorable person inside this coat”, and “I’m the loveliest person in this bathroom” would pop into my head.
Random thoughts like these continue, and I feel restored to my Internal Guidance System in a way I haven’t felt in years.
Being in this place of clarity, it is much easier to choose where I want to direct my thoughts. For instance, instead of remembering how awful an experience was, I can appreciate how delightful the present is, or consciously set an intention for a future experience. What I focus on magnetically attracts more of the same. Sometimes it seems almost magical the positive and good-feeling experiences that keep flowing towards me!
I find I have to make choices about who I hang out with and be aware of the atmosphere of places in which I hang out. Some people have been quite upset with me that I’m not at the same level of drama or misery they are! Some environments are no longer comfortable for me, and that’s okay. This world is so big, so vast, there are endless choices of people to be with and places to go!
At the beginning of this article I mentioned that all this occurred with a Divine Intervention over New Years, but I realize that some of this was set into motion over a year ago. The previous December I made a decision to quit working in
This November I challenged myself further to examine my patterns about money, which has affected my relationships and my choices for most of my adult life. Each of these steps took me out of my stuck patterns and allowed my ‘Divine Intervention’. Each of these steps were course corrections, each time gaining back a little more connection to my Internal Guidance.
If you’re feeling ‘off course’ in your own life, you could look at how you’ve been navigating through your choices and actions. Have you been basing your decisions on outside approval or inner well being? Even one small change, one baby step, can start steering you towards a better feeling place. Tiny changes can start a ripple effect that can result in your whole Universe coming into alignment!
Spirals ©2006 Joan M. McCabe
Channeling About Changes ©2006 Joan M. McCabe
I started this as a journal entry, but ended up finding myself ‘channeling’ information. It’s not channeling like Ramtha or Seth, where the channeler actually brings the being into their own physical body. I would find that uncomfortable, like giving my car keys to some dead being and saying, go ahead, drive my car! This was ‘channeling’ more in line with Dorothy MacLean or perhaps Eileen Caddy. It felt like almost hearing the information yet having a choice of words to use at times.
If you get caught up in such an occurrence look at your individual manifestation within the group – we come together in locations as groups and our predominant thoughts manifest the predominant reality. And even so within it there have been individuals who have been spared or miss the event entirely – people who chose not to go to work on 9/11, people whose holiday plans to Indonesia were changed [tsunami], people who were called out of the south on business or family matters [Katrina].
Inner Voice ©2005 Joan M. McCabe
Spiritual Parenting ©2005 Joan M. McCabe
Non-Resistance© 2005 Joan M. McCabe
Shame ©2005 Joan M. McCabe
This sequel came out both in the Ticket in September 2003, and on about six weeks later...